Quick-Hitter Litter Cleanups

Every 3rd Saturday morning

Less than an hour

Come if you can. No pressure!

Would you like to help with community cleanup but are afraid to say “Yes” because of your busy schedule?

Hey, we get it. We’re all volunteers.

So here’s something for you. Totally informal. No commitments. Fun and rewarding!

For the spring-summer-fall season, starting in June, 2024, we’ll meet at 9:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month. We gather at Lincoln Square Pancake House, at 5024 E. 56th Street, Indy.

Look for Phyllis and be sure to sign in. We decide which spots to clean up that day and, then, fan out to pick up for half an hour along the trail, around the Village, or in the surrounding areas that need it the most. If 15 minutes is all you can spare, that’s okay, too; you’ll make a difference.

All you have to say right now is, “Maybe.”

Just get your name on the list, and get a quick confirmation note from Phyllis that we’re a “go,” a few days before each cleanup. If the weather is bad, she’ll send another note the morning of the cleanup to cancel.

If you can come, come! Bring a friend. Bring the kids or grand-kids. Say hello to a few great neighbors and spend a little time giving back, doing something the whole community appreciates.

If you can’t come, no worries. We’ll hope to see you next time.

Contact: Phyllis Starks

[email protected]