
Indianapolis Mayor’s Action Center

Get involved in keeping Millersville, clean, safe and beautiful. If you see something that needs attention, say something! It’s easy to report an issue or request a service from the city. From help with potholes to tall weeds to illegal trash dumping, hundreds of city services are just a click or a phone call away.

How to report dumped trash:

If you see illegal dumping, report it two ways:

>  Call 317-327-4MAC (4622) – the Mayor’s Action Center (MAC)

>  Please also call 317-327-2281 or email: [email protected]


How to report potholes:

Report to Request Indy and call the Mayor’s Action Center (MAC) at 317-327-4MAC (4622). We need to get a lot of people to report trouble spots. Check the Indy Pothole Viewer for status.


Animal Control:

Report issues to Request Indy or call 317-327-1397


City of Indianapolis

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department:

Call 311 for non-emergencies

Call 911 for emergencies

We’re seeing increasingly unsafe streets in our area. Have you witnessed drag racing on our streets? Dangerous speeding, other unsafe and illegal traffic activity, illegal parking? Please report what you see and help the police help us.

Report recurring problems or specific trouble spots to both our East and North District crime watch specialists:

> Steve Talley at 317-327-6265 or email: [email protected]

> Gerardo Becerra at 317-327-3781 or email: [email protected]

City-County Council representatives for Millersville

Millersville neighborhoods are represented by elected City-County Councillors who are responsible for adopting budgets, levying taxes and authorizing funding for Indianapolis and Marion County operations, as well as enacting, repealing or amending local laws. The Council also appoints members to certain boards and commissions that serve our community in various areas.

Mayor’s Neighborhood Advocates

Wish you could talk directly with someone in city government about community concerns and your suggestions? You can!

Contact one of our Mayor’s Neighborhood Advocates. They connect us with city planning and help us leverage city and nonprofit resources, neighborhood assets and corporate funds to improve neighborhood quality of life here in Millersville.

Greg Garrett

Contact: Carrington Sanders

Office: 317-327-5119

Cell: 317-777-2391

Email: [email protected]




Greg Garrett

Contact: Mina Moussa

Office: 317-327-5121

Cell: 317-408-1991

Email: [email protected]