Awards and Honors

Millersville at Fall Creek Preserve

Creating the Millersville at Fall Creek Preserve

2017  Indy Chamber of Commerce
Monumental Award for Public Art
(2nd place) Millersville Marker park sculpture

2016  White River Alliance Award winner
“Excellence in Sustainable Design or Construction”

2016  Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center (INRC) Collaborative Spirit Award
(Finalist) Embracing the spirit of cooperation

2015  Arts Council of Indianapolis award
$20,000 for art in the park (sculpture)

2015  Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) / IPL
Project Greenspace award
$10,000 and project implementation support.

2015  SustainIndy Community Grant
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee
$10,000 for development of pond conservation area and pocket park

2013-2014  Upper White River Watershed Alliance Cost-Share Grant through Fall Creek Watershed Partnership and IDEM
$20,000 for developing a sustainable conservation and recreation site

2013  Northeast Corridor Quality of Life Plan
$4,000 award for park benches

2012  IPL Golden Eagle Environmental Grant 
$1,000 for transforming an acre of land into a community recreational area

Beautifying Millersville

2024  Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) Volunteer Appreciation Award to Phyllis Starks, creator and leader of Millersville at Fall Creek Valley’s monthly Quick-Hitter Litter Cleanups since 2019

2024  Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center (INRC)  Neighborhood Grant
$10,000 for replanting three neglected parking/rest area planting beds along the Fall Creek Trail; revitalizing landscaping at Millersville’s Gateway Gardens, Fall Creek Overlook and Fall Creek Preserve; and further native prairie development along the Trail at Emerson Way

2023  INRC Neighborhood Grant

$8,500 toward replacing invasives with native prairie plants along the Fall Creek Trail at Emerson Way; new signage and wildflowers at the Millersville Fall Creek Overlook; and landscape revitalization at our Fall Creek Preserve and Gateway Gardens

2021  Herbert Simon Family Foundation grant, through Reconnecting to Our Waterways (ROW)
$3,000 toward creation of the Millersville Fall Creek Overlook

2021  Anonymous individual donor
$10,000 toward creation of the Millersville Fall Creek Overlook Fall Creek Overlook

2021  Anonymous individual donor
$10,700 for new Millersville Village signage

2021  Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) Greenspace Sustainability Support
$1,000 for bronze hawk replacement at the Millersville at Fall Creek Preserve

2021  Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB) Greenspace Sustainability Support

$560 for beautification project maintenance supplies

2017  KIB Neighborhood Advancement Award
$1,000 for community engagement and beautification

2013 and 2012  Keep America Beautiful /
Lowe’s II Community Improvement Grant
$5,000 for landscaping and maintenance materials

2011  KIB / IPL Project Greenspace award
$17,000 for landscaping, hardscaping and more

Honoring Community Excellence

2020  Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center (INRC) Greatriarchs award to Melinda Hall, Millersville at Fall Creek Valley’s Secretary and Treasurer. Honoring great community builders of Indianapolis.

2012  Neighborhoods USA
Neighborhood of the Year Award
Multi-neighborhood partnerships
(2nd place)

2011  INRC Collaborative Spirit Award – Winner
Community projects embracing the spirit of cooperation
Celebrating a colorful history

Celebrating a Colorful History

2015  Walmart Store, Inc.
$1,500 grant for community and history photos displayed at Neighborhood Market

2010  INRC IMAGINE grant
$5,000 for Millersville Treasures tour and book

2010  IUPUI Dept. of Earth Sciences award
$1,400 for Millersville Treasures book

^  Phyllis Starks, Millersville Quick-Hitter Litter Cleanups initiative leader, gets a “golden grabber” with a Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Volunteer Appreciation Award (August 2024).
