
We have been helped in so many ways by supporters of all kinds. A million thanks to all who have joined in our efforts and been part of making Millersville a better place.

Contributions - 2024 to date

Here are this year’s contributions to date.

Funding for everything we do comes solely through donations. We are so grateful to these great supporters for making our projects possible!

Area neighborhood and community associations (total $1,500)

  • Kesslerwood East Lake Association: $500
  • Mallard Lake Community Association: $500
  • Windridge Co-Owners Association: $500


Personal cash contributors (total $7,025)

  • Matt and Mollie Benson
  • Dan Boots
  • Emily Chenette
  • Catharine (Cac) Diehr
  • Karen and Thomas Fodor
  • Geoff and Melinda Hall
  • Kathleen and Ronald Roman
  • Brad and Laurie Schrader
  • William Witchger

Grants, plus program/project sponsorships (total $10,000), and in-kind contributions 

  • Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center Neighborhood Grant – for landscape revitalization in public areas: $10,000
  • Marion County Soil & Water Conservation District (from State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management grant donated to our Circle City Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area), Indiana Invasives Initiative –  for conservation project assistance and Stream Steward Workshops: $1,500
  • John Hazlett, district manager, Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District – for consulting, invasive management and seeding to help create our prairie rain gardens along the Fall Creek Trail at Fall Creek Parkway North Drive and Emerson Way
  • Indiana Native Plants Society – for 100 native grass and wildflower plants supporting our prairie rain garden project along the Fall Creek Trail at Fall Creek Parkway North Drive and Emerson Way: $300 in-kind
  • David Gorden / Holeman Landscaping – for landscape design, consulting, plant placement and donated mulch, supporting landscaping renovation at multiple parking/rest stops along the Fall Creek Trail 
  • Amy Schau Hammes – for communications / Constant Contact enews design, development, maintenance
  • Mollie Benson – for communications / website design, development, maintenance
  • Ali and Andrew Hromis – for website hosting and IT support
  • Lincoln Square Pancake House – for litter cleanups refreshments

Contributions - 2023

Many thanks to these great people for their support and generosity last year!

Area neighborhood and community associations (total $1,700)

  • Kessler Commons: $200
  • Kesslerwood East Lake Association: $500
  • Mallard Lake Community Association: $500
  • Windridge Co-Owners Association: $500

Businesses (total $500)

  • Lincoln Square Pancake House: $500

Personal cash contributors (total $1,640)

  • Katherine Benedict
  • Dan Boots
  • Geoff and Melinda Hall
  • Robert and Nancy Holmes
  • Mac and Nancy Martin
  • Dale Pike
  • Christine Pitzer
  • Brad and Laurie Schrader

Grants, plus program/project sponsorships (total $10,550) and in-kind contributions 

  • Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center Neighborhood Grant – for beautification and conservation: $8,500
  • Marion County Soil & Water Conservation District (from State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management grant donated to our Circle City Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area), Indiana Invasives Initiative –  for conservation project assistance and Stream Steward Workshops: $1,500
  • Keep Indianapolis Beautiful – for fighting litter and beautification: $300
  • Sheila Roumpf – for “Take Flight!” wildlife education event at the Millersville Fall Creek Overlook: $250
  • Sullivan Lawn and Garden Center – for Gateway Gardens flowers, $200 in-kind
  • Starbucks – for litter cleanups refreshments
  • Amy Schau Hammes – for communications / Constant Contact design, development, maintenance
  • Mollie Benson – for communications / website design, development, maintenance
  • Ali and Andrew Hromis – for website hosting and IT support


Our Community Partners - To Date

Community partners since our organization started in 2009.

We’re forever grateful to these nonprofit organizations, community associations, businesses, government partners, schools and religious organizations for all sorts of support that have made invaluable positive differences in Millersville.

Nonprofit organizations

Grants, thousands of volunteer hours, education, bulbs, bushes, mulch, trees, benches, and art work! These partnerships have truly transformed our medians, trail and Fall Creek Greenway.

Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center, Marion County Soil & Water Conservation District, Indiana Invasives Initiative (State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management and Circle City Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area), Herbert Simon Family Foundation, Reconnecting to Our Waterways, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful (KIB), Indiana Wildlife Federation, Central Indiana Community Foundation, KIB/IPL Project GreenSpace program, Health by Design, Local Initiatives Support Corp., Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club, SustainIndy Community Grant Program, Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee, Lilly Day of Service, Upper White River Watershed Alliance, Fall Creek Watershed Partnership, Arts Council of Indianapolis, Indiana Landmarks, Northeast Corridor Quality of Life Plan, Lowe’s/Keep America Beautiful Community Improvement Grant Project

Area neighborhood and community associations

Thanks for both financial contributions and partnerships! We owe so much of our growth and development to these area associations.

Mallard Lake Community Association, Windridge Co-Owners Association, Kesslerwood East Lake Association, Kessler Commons, Brendonwood Common, Boardwalk Homeowners Association, Brendonridge Homeowners Association, Kesslerwood Lake Association, Devonshire II and IV Residential Association, Binford Redevelopment and Growth (BRAG), Devington Community Association (DCA)


Thanks for giving us money, goods, services, meeting spaces, help maintaining trees and flowers, volunteer time, event treats and supplies, and enthusiastic support.

Lincoln Square Pancake House, Holeman Lanscaping, Starbucks, Sullivan Lawn & Garden Center, Rees Realty /John and Cindy Zubak, Garrett’s Smokehouse BBQ, La Cantina Bar & Grill, Papa John’s Pizza, Streeeet Eatz, Subway, Mendoza Landscape Contractors, Huser SpecialCare, Khalsa Khalsa, Aslan Interactive, Pretty Funny Balloons, Walmart, Dinius Automotive, Burger King, Hardees, Marine Bank, Walgreens, CVS, Noah’s Grooming Salon, Muesing Management, Segue Corporation, East 56th LLC, Hall’s Home Maintenance, Bicycle Garage Indy, Indianapolis Power & Light, REI, ConAgra

Local and state government

Thanks for our Village plan, help with beautification, connectivity, medians, traffic calming, and more!

Indianapolis Planning Division; Indianapolis Departments of Public Works, including the Office of Land Stewardship and Parks and Recreation; Indianapolis Departments of Business and Neighborhood Services, and Sustainability; Indiana Department of Environmental Management; the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department; the Duvall Center; Mayor Hogsett, Deputy Mayor Judith Thomas and Neighborhood Advocates Carrington Sanders, Greg Garrett, Natalie Van Dongen and Mo McReynolds; former Mayor Ballard and liaisons Joel Smith, Noelle Malatestinic and Gary Loveless; City-County Councilors Christine Scales, Pam Hickman, Dan Boots, Ethan Evans, William Oliver and Keith Graves; Lawrence Township Trustee Steve Talley; State Senators Jean Breaux and Fady Qaddoura; and State Representatives Carey Hamilton, Greg Porter, Christina Hale and John Bartlett

Schools and religious organizations

Thanks for the meeting spaces, the volunteers, the advice, and the time spent working with us.

Cathedral High School, Indiana Hoosier Youth ChalleNGe Academy, IPS Robert Frost Elementary School #106, Lawrence Central High School, Arlington High School, Belzer Middle School, IUPUI Department of Earth Sciences, St. Matthew Catholic School, Brook Park Elementary School, Butler University’s Center for Urban Ecology, Fatima Retreat House, Millersville Masonic Lodge and the Eunhye Korean Presbyterian Church

Personal Cash Contributors - To Date

Personal cash contributors since our organization started in 2009.

We’re completely dependent on donations to fund our volunteer activities. We so appreciate these individuals and families who have made a personal investment in our community through cash contributions!

  • Michael and Claudia Alerding
  • Eric and Catherine Allen
  • Robert and Dona Armstrong
  • Jay and Sharon Barclay
  • Michele Batt
  • Katherine Benedict
  • Lois Bennett
  • Matt and Mollie Benson
  • Julie and Robert Benson
  • Dan Boots
  • Timothy Britton
  • Donald and Paula Chamblin
  • Dennis and Sheila Clancy
  • Nancy and Douglas DeWitt
  • Catharine Diehr
  • Kate Dydo
  • Tom Eggers
  • Nancy Endsley
  • Daniel and Joan Fitzgibbon
  • Diane and Keith Gardner
  • Jack Hall
  • Geoff and Melinda Hall
  • Paula Hall
  • Amy and David Hammes
  • John Hirschman
  • Bruce Hlodnicki
  • Robert and Nancy Holmes
  • Julie Houston
  • Ali and Andrew Hromis
  • Chris Jaros
  • Todd Kaminski
  • Theresa Rohr Kirchgraber
  • Anne Kraege
  • Maria Kuzmic
  • Barbara Lee
  • Robert Lindeman
  • Mac and Nancy Martin
  • Martha Meeker
  • Peter and Elizabeth Morse
  • Steve Neal
  • Dale Pike
  • Christine Pitzer
  • Kevin Potter
  • Karon Preston
  • Yvonne Prilliman
  • Alicia Reuter
  • Phillip Ritter
  • Kim Robertson
  • Gary Rosenberg
  • Sallie Rowland
  • Daniel Salvas
  • Christine Scales
  • David and JoAnn Schisla
  • Brad and Laurie Schrader
  • Greg and Carol Stephens
  • Andrew Stone
  • Rosemary Tanner
  • Herbert and Catherine Treen
  • Ann Wadelton
  • Vincent Wagner
  • J. Ware
  • Beverly Watkins
  • Kirk Wheeler
  • Molly Wilkens
  • William Witchger
  • Cindy and David Woods
  • John Zubak

Individual Volunteers - 2024

This is an all-volunteer organization. Powered by people who simply care about our community and who pitch in their time, energy and expertise to help make good things happen here.

Very special thanks to Millersville’s invaluable “super-volunteers” –  board members and others who have taken on leadership roles.

Our volunteer heroes, so far, for 2024:


  • Mike Avey
  • Jay Barclay
  • Matt Benson
  • Mollie Benson
  • Gloria Berrios
  • Fred Beyne
  • Brian Bokhart
  • Dan Boots
  • Debbie Black
  • Tim Britton
  • Ed Choate
  • Karen Choate
  • Andrea Dalton
  • Devon Dalton
  • Cac Diehr
  • Tom Eggers
  • Karen Fodor
  • Tom Fodor
  • Eddie Gill
  • Bill Hacker
  • Ginny Hacker
  • Kim Haldrup
  • Penny Handshaw
  • Geoff Hall
  • Melinda Hall
  • Amy Hammes
  • Bob Holmes
  • Nancy Holmes
  • Diane Kennedy
  • Bob Layton
  • Ashley Merryman & three kiddos
  • Robbie Miller
  • Amy Molloy
  • John Molloy
  • Sophia, Evelyn & Lilliane Molloy
  • Chris Pitzer
  • Bryant Pottmeyer
  • Austin Rasmussen
  • Yslea Rasmussen
  • Nick Roberts
  • Sheila Roumpf
  • Sallie Rowland
  • Scott Salmon
  • Joe Scheidler
  • Brad Schrader
  • Laurie Schrader
  • Kevin Senniger
  • Mary Ann Shurig
  • Marilyn Slemenda
  • Phyllis Starks
  • Chip Sutton
  • Steve Talley
  • Herb Treen
  • Cathy Treen
  • Robin Zumbaugh
  • Tim Zumbaugh

Individual Volunteers - 2023

A million thanks to these amazing people who volunteered their time and efforts last year to make Millersville a better place. You have made a big difference!


  • Marilyn Alexander
  • Robert Allen
  • Robin Allen
  • Mike Avey
  • Gina Bachtel
  • Matt Bassett
  • Matt Benson
  • Mollie Benson
  • Susan Cassada
  • Karen Godfrey Choate
  • Andrea Dalton
  • Cac Diehr
  • Tom Eggers
  • Karen Fodor
  • Tom Fodor
  • Sue Foxx
  • Bill Hacker
  • Ginny Hacker
  • Geoff Hall
  • Melinda Hall
  • Amy Hammes
  • Nathan Hammes
  • Penny Handshaw
  • Peggy Harlan
  • Cona Hirt
  • Monique Howell (and two kids)
  • Calvin Johnson
  • Kim Klika
  • Denny Krauser
  • John Lasley
  • Bob Layton
  • Jon Martin
  • Tim Mattingly
  • Lloyd McElveen
  • Ashley Merryman
  • Robbie Miller
  • Evelyn Molloy
  • John Molloy (and little Lilliane)
  • Sophia Molloy
  • Frank Myers
  • Chris Pitzer
  • Sheila Roumpf
  • Sallie Rowland
  • Sally Rowland
  • Joe Scheidler
  • Connie Schmucker
  • Amy Schrader
  • Brad Schrader
  • Laurie Schrader
  • Mary Ann Shurig
  • Marilyn Slemenda
  • Phyllis Starks
  • Chip Sutton
  • Steve Talley
  • Cathy Treen
  • Herb Treen
  • Nancy Wheeler
  • Cindy Zubak
  • John Zubak
  • Robin Zumbaugh
  • Tim Zumbaugh

If we have missed you, your organization or someone you know on any of our lists…  either by mistake or because we didn’t find you on a sign-in sheet… please let us know so we can make it right. We’re so grateful for everyone’s support!