Personal cash contributors
We appreciate these individuals and families who have made a personal investment in our community through cash contributions.
- Michael and Claudia Alerding
- Eric and Catherine Allen
- Robert and Dona Armstrong
- Jay and Sharon Barclay
- Michele Batt
- Katherine Benedict
- Lois Bennett
- Julie and Robert Benson
- Matt and Mollie Benson
- Donald and Paula Chamblin
- Dennis and Sheila Clancy
- Nancy and Douglas DeWitt
- Catharine Diehr
- Kate Dydo
- Tom Eggers
- Daniel and Joan Fitzgibbon
- Diane and Keith Gardner
- Jack Hall
- Melinda Hall
- Paula Hall
- Amy and David Hammes
- John Hirschman
- Bruce Hlodnicki / Timothy Britton
- Robert and Nancy Holmes
- Julie Houston
- Ali and Andrew Hromis
- Chris Jaros
- Todd Kaminski
- Theresa Rohr Kirchgraber
- Anne Kraege
- Maria Kuzmic
- Barbara Lee
- Robert Lindeman
- Martha Meeker
- Peter and Elizabeth Morse
- Steve Neal
- Christine Pitzer
- Kevin Potter
- Karon Preston
- Yvonne Prilliman
- Alicia Reuter
- Phillip Ritter
- Kim Robertson
- Gary Rosenberg
- Sallie Rowland
- Daniel Salvas
- Christine Scales
- David and JoAnn Schisla
- Brad and Laurie Schrader
- Greg and Carol Stephens
- Andrew Stone
- Rosemary Tanner
- Herbert and Catherine Treen
- Ann Wadelton
- Vincent Wagner / Nancy Endsley
- J. Ware
- Beverly Watkins
- Kirk Wheeler
- Molly Wilkens
- Cindy and David Woods
- John Zubak
Our community partners
We have been helped in so many different ways by supporters of all kinds. Your generosity has made such a difference in Millersville!
Nonprofit organizations
Grants, thousands of volunteer hours, education, bulbs, bushes, mulch, trees, benches, and art work! These partnerships have truly transformed our medians, trail and Fall Creek Greenway.
Herbert Simon Family Foundation, Reconnecting to Our Waterways, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, Marion County Soil & Water Conservation District, Indiana Wildlife Federation, Central Indiana Community Foundation, Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center, Health by Design, Local Initiatives Support Corp., Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club, Sustain Indy, Bicycle Garage Indy, Lilly Day of Service, White River Alliance, Fall Creek Watershed Partnership, Indy Arts Council, Indiana Landmarks
Area neighborhood and community associations
Thanks for both financial contributions and partnerships! We owe so much of our growth and development to these area associations.
Mallard Lake Community Association, Brendonwood Common, Boardwalk Homeowners Association, Brendonridge Homeowners Association, Windridge Co-Owners Association, Devonshire II and IV Residential Association, Kessler Commons, Kesslerwood Lake Association, Kesslerwood East Lake Association, Binford Redevelopment and Growth (BRAG), Devington Community Association (DCA)
Thanks for giving us money, goods, services, meeting spaces, help maintaining trees and flowers, volunteer time, event treats and supplies, and enthusiastic support.
Mendoza Landscape Contractors, Aslan Interactive, Pretty Funny Balloons, Starbucks, Walmart, Papa John’s, Dinius Automotive, Burger King, Hardees, Marine Bank, Walgreens, CVS, Noah’s Grooming Salon, Muesing Management, Segue Corporation, East 56th LLC, John Zubak, Holeman Landscaping, Khalsa Khalsa, Huser SpecialCare, Hall’s Home Maintenance
Local and state government
Thanks for our Village plan, help with beautification, connectivity, medians, traffic calming, and more!
Indianapolis Planning Division; Indianapolis Departments of Public Works, including the Office of Land Stewardship and Parks and Recreation; the Duvall Center; Mayor Hogsett and Neighborhood Advocates Greg Garrett, Natalie Van Dongen and Mo McReynolds; former Mayor Ballard and liaisons Joel Smith, Noelle Malatestinic and Gary Loveless; City Councillors Christine Scales, Steve Talley, Pam Hickman, Dan Boots, Ethan Evans, William Oliver and Keith Graves; and State legislators Jean Breaux, Carey Hamilton, Christina Hale and John Bartlett
Schools and religious organizations
Thanks for the meeting spaces, the volunteers, the advice, and the time spent working with us.
Cathedral High School, IPS Robert Frost Elementary School #106, Lawrence Central High School, Arlington High School, Belzer Middle School, IUPUI, St. Matthew Catholic School, Brook Park Elementary School, Butler University’s Center for Urban Ecology, Fatima Retreat House, Millersville Masonic Lodge and the Eunhye Korean Presbyterian Church