
Getting things done is rewarding and fun.

We are all volunteers and we always need more helping hands! Here are some of the ways you can do good things and have some fun. And if you have a different idea about something you could work on, let’s hear it.

Come on, join in! Nothing is possible without support from people just like you.

Volunteer with Millersville


Quick-Hitter Litter Cleanups – Get on the list to be notified of the next monthly cleanup. If you can come for half an hour, or even just 15 minutes, come! If not, no pressure. Contact Phyllis Starks at [email protected]

More Beautification – We’d love to have you help sometimes with planting, weeding and other gardening, or select community park landscape maintenance activities. Contact Matt Benson for more information, at [email protected] or phone 317-753-3198

Do Good Things!  Check out this FUN video by Nicki Laycoax, featuring Millersville volunteers working on the Gateway Gardens.


Safe Sidewalks – Help work on getting two planned-but-stalled pathway projects done in our community. They would help walkers and bikers get to and from schools, our Fall Creek Trail and Millersville Village but we need support from adjoining neighborhoods, local government and funding sources. Contact our board at [email protected]

Neighborhoods outreach – We really need some help getting better connected with the 30+ neighborhoods that are part of Millersville. Can you help? Contact Cac Diehr at [email protected] or phone 317-501-0060

Millersville Village Business owners and managers – Want to meet with other Village businesses, help promote them, or have other ideas about how to support them? Contact Matt Voynovich at [email protected] or phone 317-719-5749

Volunteer with Millersville

Schools – We need a new leader and helpers for this initiative. Help kids, teachers and staff at our schools with  activities in class, behind the scenes, and at special events. Do a lot or just a little! Contact Cac Diehr at [email protected] or phone 317-501-0060

History helper – Help people discover Millersville’s amazing history. Newsletter articles? A history tour? What are your ideas? Contact Cac Diehr at [email protected] or phone 317-501-0060

Special events – We hope to pull off one or more fun community events each year. Want to help? Contact Cac Diehr at  [email protected] or phone 317-501-0060

Fitness and Recreation – We need a new leader of this initiative, or even one fun activity you’re interested in. Contact Shirley Rohnke at [email protected] or phone 317-340-0941